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Allow Grace Aquino the privilege to serve you. She performs the Financial/Operational reviews and assessments to give you the Peace of Mind that as an Executive you seek. With the outmost sensitivity, Grace will provide you with the most customer-oriented service to your complete satisfaction.

Graciela Aquino

En Doral News Anniversary

Grace Aquino is an accounting professional with a Top 20 MBA (International Management, Organizational and Competitive Strategies) and extensive Fortune 500 Corporate and Public Accounting experience, who enjoys coordinating finance teams in multi unit businesses, creating metrics and operational procedures that partner with the Business Officers to drive understanding of the underlying levers of growth. Entrust Grace to provide you strategic recommendations to improve your business.


Languages and Locations


Grace is fluent in English and Spanish, and manages basic Portuguese. She has successfully performed reviews at Brazil for 2 corporations. Brazilians are very knowledgeable of Spanish, as all their neighbors are Spanish-speakers, and to some extent English as well.


Other countries with foreign languages where Grace has worked on-site are: Belgium (Flemish), the Netherlands (Dutch), France (French), Italy (Italian), and Germany (German).


Foreign-language countries where she has worked off-site are: Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, and Switzerland.


She has also worked in the following countries:

Spanish-speaking countries: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Mexico.


English-speaking countries: Australia, New Zealand, England, Canada, and Puerto Rico.


Most of Grace’s work has been conducted in English for the last 20 years.


Locations where she has visited and/or coordinated staff include the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, North Carolina, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Ontario, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.



What Colleagues say about Grace?



 Invaluable Asset                            Assertive                                           Courageous



         Great Coach & Mentor                      Creative                              Diligent                  



             Enthusiastic                                        Excellent                                    Vast Technical Knowledge             



         Leader                             Loyal                             Original      Thinker              



                        Passion for doing her Best                  Well-Poised                             Professional             



                     Team-oriented                     Reliable                                     Resourceful



Results-oriented                               Self-motivated                          Smart




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